We improve lives through social impact films, strategic partnerships & educational programs.

We are here to change lives.

Whether you realize it or not, you know and love someone who has endometriosis. Through film, education, and collaboration, Project Endo shines a light on the health gaps created by endometriosis and other women’s health conditions, and invites everyone to build a more equitable future.

Millions of people have seen our films, mobilized in our social action campaigns and helped educate thousands of healthcare providers. Project Endo was founded with the groundbreaking film Endo What, igniting a conversation about endometriosis. Below the Belt, our second documentary, produced by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Orrin Hatch, Rosario Dawson and more, approaches the disease as a social justice issue. 

Together, we are working toward more equitable healthcare for all - one person, one community, one film at a time. 

Thank you for being part of it.

Shannon Cohn


Director Shannon Cohn

“The endometriosis landscape is complex, with interconnected issues like poor research, inadequate education, diagnostic delays and inaccessible treatments. Our films and Impact Campaigns seek to bridge those gaps - revealing hidden truths, touching our emotions, and catalyzing action for meaningful change.”

A Plan for Change