While research has lagged behind many other fields due to low federal investment, the endometriosis field is growing due to recent funding in FY 2018 for the first time in history from the Department of Defense CDMRP (Congressionally-Directed Medical Research Program). This funding was secured due in large part to our partnership with Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).
We continue our work on Capitol Hill with Senator Warren and Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah). Due to our collaboration with the Senators, endometriosis was included in the DOD’s CDMRP funding for FY2020 and FY2021, translating into millions more dollars of research into the disease. Additionally, we’re working with the bi-partisan House Endometriosis Caucus to generate increased research funding for endometriosis from the NIH (National Institutes of Health).